Upcoming Events
Sunday Morning Series
Join us Sunday mornings at 10:30AM for our morning worship service as we begin a new series that challenges the church to make the Word of God the foundation for your life.
Sunday Evening Series
Come back on Sunday nights at 6:00PM in the Worship Center as we go through this new series that walks through the Bible chronologically in one year.
Wednesday Adult Bible Study
Gary Griffin will be leading our Wednesday night Bible Study for adults starting at 6:30PM in the Worship Center.
Highland Men Workday
Men are encouraged to take part in our Men’s Work Day on Saturday, March 1st at 8:00AM.
Food Pantry
Our food pantry runs the second and fourth Monday of every month from 9:00AM-12:00PM.
Hunt County Women's Conference
Join us for this exciting county-wide women’s event with special guest speaker, Melissa Harrison! Click here to register!