Senior Adult Ministry
The Senior Adult Ministry of Highland Terrace Baptist Church offers a
variety of exciting opportunities for ministry, spiritual growth, and fellowship
to those over 55 years of age. In addition to offering several Bible Study
Life Groups, for both couples and singles, that meet on Sunday mornings,
there are other Bible Study and Prayer groups who meet regularly during
the week.

The “Young at Heart” Senior Adults Ministry provides many opportunities for both recreation and spiritual growth. This group of active seniors enjoy travel and fellowship together. The YAH meet on the third Wednesday of each month for meetings that include: Inspirational concerts, informative special programs, and a fellowship meal. In addition to enjoying “day trips,” meals, and “special occasion” banquets together, this group also travels on extended trips during the Spring and the Fall each year.
Our Senior Adults actively support and encourage our Children, Youth, and College Ministries by helping provide meals and supplies for activities and by helping to provide meals and support to College Students at the BSM on the campus of Texas A&M Commerce. In addition, our Senior Adults were instrumental in helping to establish, and offering continued financial support through our Marvin Flower’s Memorial Scholarship Fund. Each year the Fund helps provide annual scholarships to Highland Terrace graduating highschool seniors who have faithfully attended our church, and have been accepted to an accredited College or Trade School.
If you are a Senior Adult, who lives in the Greenville or surrounding area, we invite you to join us. Our desire is to be faithful servants until Jesus comes. If that’s your heart too, come join us at Highland Terrace Baptist Church!